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Homeownership Program Builds Greater College Park Community

by Chris Carroll

A program encouraging people who work in College Park to live here turned a corner—and another key—this summer.

The 50th house was sold under the College Park City-University Partnership Homeownership Program, which provides a $15,000 incentive for full-time UMD and municipal employees to buy a home inside city limits. There, they strengthen the sense of community as they spend evenings and weekends taking advantage of the new amenities in Greater College Park, a $2 billion public-private investment to revitalize the Baltimore Avenue corridor.

A growing number of purchasers are helping stabilize neighborhoods, improve the city’s economy and reduce traffic, says Eric Olson, executive director of the College Park City-University Partnership.

“They become ambassadors,” he says. “They tell others about the farmers markets and places to shop, the great friends their kids have made, the parks and playgrounds, and all the other things College Park has to offer.”

Program participant Gene Ferrick, director of operations in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, recently traded a half-hour commute from Bowie for a quick walk to his office.

“I’m excited about turning in my parking pass,” Ferrick says.


Fall 2019

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