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Fall 2014

Class Notes

News on Friends and Classmates

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John W. “Jack” McClean ’66

Retired banker John W. “Jack” McClean ’66 was honored in September for his 50 years of continuous active service to the Providence (Md.) Volunteer Fire Company.
Laura Mc Kechnie


Laura McKechnie ’01

Laura McKechnie ’01 stands with U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) in her workplace, USAID/Vietnam’s Office of Economic Growth and Governance, in Hanoi. She is the deputy office director there.


Sonya Senkowsky M.A. ’99

Sonya Senkowsky M.A. ’99 has been named senior communications manager of the Salvation Army’s Alaska Division Community Relations and Development Department. Senkowsky has more than 24 years of multimedia communications experience, most of it in Alaska.


Tia Powell Harris ’81, M.A. ’82

Tia Powell Harris ’81, M.A. ’82 in March became executive director of the new Weeksville Heritage Center, Brooklyn’s largest African-American cultural institution. She previously served as manager of community partnerships at the John F. Kennedy Center…
Wiggs Kerrigan 108323


Steve Kerrigan ’93

Steve Kerrigan ’93 is running for lieutenant governor of Massachusetts; his running mate on the Democratic ticket is Attorney General Martha Coakley. He is president of the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to…


Julie Schechter ’06

Carolina Academic Press has recently published “Off the Charts Law Summaries: An All-In-One Graphic Outline of the 1L Law School Courses” by Julie Schechter ’06. It’s comprised solely of charts designed to graphically communicate important information in…


Jill A. Perry Ph.D. ’10

Jill A. Perry Ph.D. ’10 has been appointed executive director of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate, which brings together a consortium of colleges and schools of education to institute a clear distinction between the professional practice…


Rob Jolles ’79

Rob Jolles ’79 has been a professional speaker for 30 years and teaches about influencing others. His latest book, “How to Change Minds: The Art of Influence Without Manipulation,” explores how to change someone through compassion rather than coercion.…